Friday, March 20, 2009

A Hair-owing Choice

If you still think that there are parts of your life the government can't interfere in; think again.

New Jersey is drawing the line when it comes to bikini waxing.
The state Board of Cosmetology and Hairstyling is moving toward a ban on genital waxing altogether after two women reported being injured in their quest for a smooth bikini line.

That's right - in the entire state of New Jersey, population 8.7 million, two people were injured. Clearly, this is an urgent public health issue. Not to mention the fact that both women chose to get brazilian waxes. No one forced them to do it.

This part really pissed me off, though.

Technically, genital waxing has never been allowed — only the face, neck, abdomen, legs and arms are permitted

Not because it was ever banned, but because it isn't included in the list of things that can be legally waxed. This is where we are now. Unless the state explicitly says that something is legal, it is automatically illegal.

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